Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Monarch is a symbol

  • The Monarch is a symbol, something that unites the British people from all sorts of different social, racial, religious and political backgrounds.

    As far as I'm concerned, this is exactly what we need in this day and age - something that can bring people together and celebrate being British. I could have wept for joy to see the people of Britain standing together and celebrating those things that unite us.

    This sense of community, this sense of belonging...this is down solely to a near-universal love and admiration for our Head of State, our Queen.
     ·  ·  · Sunday at 20:52
      • Sam McPherson How does the Monarch unite anyone? What does it mean to be "British"? Eating tea and crumpets?
        Sunday at 20:54 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan well it certianly doesn't represent us here in wales. and even the scots said they have more pride in billy conally!
        Sunday at 20:54 ·  · 3
      • Sarah Wiley Wiles
        Sixty years of our Monarch's reign, Poverty, recession, stress and pain, Depriv...See more
        Sunday at 20:54 ·  · 1 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan haha love that Sarah
        Sunday at 20:55 · 
      • Joel Zumokuta Hall I think saying that for all is misleading... Especially if you look at my monarchist post and see Scottish friends liking it...
        Sunday at 20:57 via Mobile · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan i even feel like a foreigner in my own country welsh flags anywhere
        Sunday at 20:58 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan and joel
        Sunday at 20:58 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan that's not one article's on loads
        Sunday at 20:59 · 
      • Jim Buntin I'm a Scot & I most certainly do not agree with that. Billy's a conceited , arrogant wee man at best.
        Sunday at 21:01 ·  · 1
      • Luke Welshy Grattan and the monarchy isn't jim?!?! expecting us to forget any other problem we have, then roll over and lick her ass?
        Sunday at 21:05 ·  · 1
      • Ali Mans-Cornwell I won't celebrate the rich and privileged upper-class when the under-priviledged are practically fighting to keep a roof over their heads. Each to their own but all this is is pomp, ceremony and a national sedative to mask the real problems we face.
        Sunday at 21:07 ·  · 4
      • Joel Zumokuta Hall A poll doesn't mean everyone voted the same of course. Otherwise we'd have a single party state
        Sunday at 21:15 via Mobile · 
      • Darryn Murphy I had thought that the monarchy, amogst other things, symbolises heriditary power and wealth more than anything else. If the cause of unity is the admiration of such a political configuration, I'd rather we be divided. Not only that, but such a distant figure as a monarch cannot unite people. Community spirit, based on ideals such as shared solidarity and communal cooperation is a much better unifier, both because it's more logical than monarchy and is in the daily lives of the people everyday, rather than a rare political occassion to raise popularity.
        Sunday at 21:31 ·  · 1
      • Andrew Stott Bottom-line, millions of people across Britain, and around the world, are celebrating this event in some shape or form. These people are not comprised of upper-class elitists, the 1 million people that lined the Thames and the millions more in the streets of British cities, towns and villages are ordinary, everyday people.

        It is not a question of what SHOULD unite people, it is a question what DOES unite people. This event is irrefutable proof that the Monarch is extremely popular amongst the people and gives them an opportunity to embrace the community spirit, something that can be built on in the future once the celebrations end.

        There are always going to be people that are struggling to get by, there is always going to be someone out of work, there is always going to be an economic disaster just around the corner, there is always going to be some war or war-to-be, some crime-wave, some natural disaster...that is life, this is the world we live in.

        That is no reason why people should simply shrug their shoulders at what is going to be one of the most memorable events in British history. People are choosing to enjoy themselves for a few days in the very best way possible, what’s wrong with that?
        Sunday at 21:52 ·  · 2
      • Luke Welshy Grattan well the monarchy doesn't unite us all...only unites the loyalist dollops
        Sunday at 21:53 · 
      • Andrew Stott I didn’t say it united us all, I said it united people from different social, racial, religious and political backgrounds. As it happens, however, a lot more people are united by the Monarch than the idea of Republicanism (as is plain to see by everyone).
        Sunday at 21:55 · 
      • Mick Constable Luke, you make it sound as though your speaking for Wales, even more arrogance ??
        Sunday at 21:59 · 
      • Darryn Murphy I think you'd find most of those celebrations are people looking for an excuse to party, and the wish for a party does unite people. You could make it about almost anything and they'd celebrate it. And popularity doesn't determine whether something is right or not. I could cite numerous historical examples of that, but to avoid fulfilling Godwin's law I shan't. And in what way is it one of the most memorable events in British history? It has zero political significance in anyway. And if anything the ideals of Republicanism unites more people, since it is based on an inclusive will rather than idolatry for a single figure.
        Sunday at 21:59 ·  · 2
      • Joel Zumokuta Hall Not only that but people are celebrating Nationality and country. Places round here are not covered with photos of the Queen or copies of the crown jewels, but the flags of the UK and its countries.
        Sunday at 22:00 via Mobile · 
      • Mick Constable Standing in the pissing down of rain, for hours, waiting for hours, thousands upon thousands travelling from all over the country to experience the event.

        And you think its an excuse to party.

        Strange assumption, and totally wrong
        Sunday at 22:01 ·  · 2
      • Luke Welshy Grattan well there can be some faults in what you just said andrew. reports tell me that there were almost as much republicans as loyalists at today's london protests...yet the media will not report it on the news. and mick constable i sound abit like you're "royal highness" eh? LOL. who in no way what so ever represent my beloved wales...they don't even bring in profit. we even used to have our own monarchy if i remember. shame my own people don't know..."those who stand for nothing will fall for anything"
        Sunday at 22:04 · 
      • Mick Constable So luke your sources are saying there were 1 million republicans protesting in London, is that correct ??
        Sunday at 22:06 · 
      • Mick Constable And as I said previously Luke, pure and total arrogance
        Sunday at 22:06 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan and you believe it when the telly says it's 2 million? how gullable. typical monarhcist
        Sunday at 22:07 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan monarchist* sorry "your highness"
        Sunday at 22:07 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan it's okay for monarchists to be arrogance and full of themselves but when we do it it's not okay? you're as bad as unionist dollops!
        Sunday at 22:08 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan Since the earliest days of recorded British history, our nation has aimed to curtail the power of the monarchy and expand the power of those with the greatest stake in the welfare of our country - whether medieval Barons, or, in the democratic age, all British citizens. It is important to remember that history has to be made - and each age will make its own history.
        Sunday at 22:09 · 
      • Joel Zumokuta Hall I get sick of this term 'loyalist'. It doesn't make much sense. And I doubt there were as many republicans there. Republicans often try to bolster their image and numbers or resort to odd arguments to try and convince people in a cause most simply don't care about.
        Sunday at 22:09 via Mobile · 
      • Joel Zumokuta Hall Besides even if they do protest, do you really think the Queen will quit her job? After all, nobody can actually fire the monarch...
        Sunday at 22:10 via Mobile · 
      • Sarah Wiley Wiles Andrew, i disagree. I feel the monarchy divides society and provides an 'us and them'. Why should the people worship or respect someone that parades their wealth, when the subjects struggle under the governments decisions. Speaking from someone that grew up on a council estate and now lives on a social landlords estate. I'm not bitter much :)
        Sunday at 22:10 via Mobile ·  · 1
      • Mick Constable Luke, as Wales wants to remain in the UK you had better get used to the Monarchy, and simply talk amongst your mates if you want to be heard
        Sunday at 22:11 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan can never find exactly how many republicans were there. and considering the bbc (british brainwashing corporation) i wouldn't expect them to either considering bbc is too corrupt to be on daily television. and Joel if the queen gains a massive overall un-popularity i can't see why we cannot axe them. and mick you are a hypocrite. you're not even a welshman and you've just said you speak for all of wales when you say wales wants to remain in the UK. especially north wales...certianly the gwynedd areas are the most nationalist
        Sunday at 22:13 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan and i'm a proud plaid cymru member mick. why should we get used to this facism? from what i see as your profile pic aswell that looks just like the nuremburg rally of 1936...could this be the start of the ultimo facismo?
        Sunday at 22:14 · 
      • Mick Constable Try not being silly Luke, your simply talking unfounded rubbish.

        Or you need some medication
        Sunday at 22:14 · 
      • Mick Constable There ya go Luke, some facts.

        Dozens does not equate to hundreds, let alone millions

        Anti-monarchy campaign group Republic demonstrates with banners by Thames near Tower Bridge before jubilee pageant
        Sunday at 22:17 ·  · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan said i'm arrogant for saying Wales doesn't want this facist rubbish when i'm a proud Welshman who knows every aspect of my own history. and then you say you speak for Wales in saying Wales wants to remain in the "Untied" kingdom when you're not even a Welshman or have a liable source! arrogance and hypocrisy...oh what a lovely union we've been brainwashed under. hope scotland gains independence in they're sick to the death of this shite
        Sunday at 22:17 · 
      • Tam Raymond Ironically I'd be very confident that Scots would vote to get rid of that lot. They don't exist to me, that's how I cope with this sick system, but then again, I know I don't exist to them either.

        They have their own sorts, and those (mainly) English saddos with low self-esteem who worship them are certainly in the majority. And as Mick points out: what England says goes. He's right again: we better get used to it. Or get out.
        Sunday at 22:18 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan oh lovely mick rely on a newspaper that is almost as bad as the bbc. i'm convinced now...
        Sunday at 22:20 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan so much for being a union then if england says what happens about everything...hence why i hope Scotland will honourable gain independence too. soar alba
        Sunday at 22:21 ·  · 1
      • Jock Campbell Personally, I'm quite happy to preserve the monarchy, however, i disagree with the very existence of a Greater Britain. As far as I'm concerned Great Britain is not a nation, never has been and never will be. The two nations of Scotland and England are too diverse culturally to be seen as a singular entity. The sooner we return to recognising that cultural differences define nations, the better.
        Sunday at 22:21 · 
      • Jock Campbell And the more London attempts to assimilate the two nations into one, the more the Scottish nationalist movement will grow.
        Sunday at 22:22 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan it's only known as greater britian because brittany is also known as lesser britian lol. and jock campbell, if tony blair tries his best to stop scottish voters voting for independence he could aswell help the YES voters lmao
        Sunday at 22:23 ·  · 1
      • Luke Welshy Grattan David cameron alone boosted SNP support
        Sunday at 22:24 ·  · 2
      • Jock Campbell Totally agree Luke, between the two of them they do us a huge favour.
        Sunday at 22:25 · 
      • Mick Constable Anyway, back to todays historic events, nationalism is boring
        Sunday at 22:25 · 
      • Emily Irene B ‎@ Ali Mans Cornwall..excellent point
        Sunday at 22:25 · 
      • Jock Campbell As in British nationalism?
        Sunday at 22:26 · 
      • Tam Raymond In fairness, there were huge celebrations in Scotland to mark the jubilee. The Orange Order had many, many marches to re-avow their loyalty to Her Majesty The Queen.
        Sunday at 22:26 · 
      • Joel Zumokuta Hall Rule 1: if you run out of credible arguments, always attack the source ;-)
        Sunday at 22:26 via Mobile · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan yeah Jock you could even say that snp/yes voters don't even have to do much campaigning haha. and i like nationalism mick but sure..."mick constable reporting for bbc news: jubilee!!!!!"
        Sunday at 22:27 ·  · 1
      • Jock Campbell Yeah and they were all tasteless Tam. In fact, I never saw any jubilee celebrations... all I saw was Brit nat Bile everywhere.
        Sunday at 22:27 · 
      • Emily Irene B Nationalism is never boring, I am proud to be British, I just cannot abide by the monarchy
        Sunday at 22:27 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan i'm a proud welsh nationalist. i'm very proud to be welsh and european...understandable
        Sunday at 22:28 · 
      • Jock Campbell Thing is, none of us can avoid being "British"... it's where we live... but it doesn't make us a nation.
        Sunday at 22:28 · 
      • Jock Campbell I'm a proud Scot. Period. British is just the islands where I live.
        Sunday at 22:29 · 
      • Mick Constable WHat would you lot do without facebook pages to spout off on ?.

        No-one in the real world even knows you lot even exist, and if they do, your clearly easily ignored
        Sunday at 22:29 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan it's a stereotype for some people i reckon. when some people hear "British" they think of the monarchy, tea/scones, london eye...i'm afraid that only england...not britian
        Sunday at 22:29 · 
      • Mick Constable Nothing wrong with being a proud Scot

        I’m a proud British citizen, and proud of our Monarchy and our country, but maybe less some of those that inhabit it
        Sunday at 22:30 · 
      • Emily Irene B But Mick, don't you think that's disturbing in a way? That the views of other people in this country are 'easily ignored'? Doesn't sound like democracy to me
        Sunday at 22:31 ·  · 2
      • Luke Welshy Grattan well with the Bbc aware of it then we will be ignored yes. like they've ignored the recent troubles in iceland...a little biased by the bbc there. we have our own forums, our own rallies (in real) and meetings. there's even a republican day on tuesday in cardiff
        Sunday at 22:31 · 
      • Jock Campbell Who are you referring to Mick? Nationalists? Oh we exist buddy, that's why there was a landslide vote here! And that's why Westminster is staging a serious of commons committees in a crass attempt at undermining the surge.
        Sunday at 22:32 · 
      • Mick Constable Emily, the majority are heard, its the way of things.
        Sunday at 22:32 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan so you're not proud of people that don't feel like they're part of the monarchy which quite frankly...does not represent those people?
        Sunday at 22:32 · 
      • Mick Constable OK Luke, now its clear your simply barking
        Sunday at 22:32 · 
      • Jock Campbell Indeed.. so is it just the Facebook majority?!!
        Sunday at 22:32 · 
      • Jock Campbell The monarchy does't represent who Luke?
        Sunday at 22:33 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan barking?'ve said you're not proud of people who have an opposite opinion! biased you are mick. and republicans/anyone who opposes this monarchy
        Sunday at 22:34 · 
      • Jock Campbell I'm not a republican.. but I am a nationalist.
        Sunday at 22:34 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan and the majority are not always heard of either. the Snp have a majority in scotland now yes but they lied about the recent elections results didn't they?
        Sunday at 22:35 · 
      • Jock Campbell Did they? How?
        Sunday at 22:35 · 
      • Jock Campbell They won the majority of the vote Luke.
        Sunday at 22:35 · 
      • Mick Constable Jock, clearly I’m for the Union, and I respect your right to want different, but I’ll never agree to it unless all Scots vote for it, and not just those constantly on soapboxes.
        Sunday at 22:36 · 
      • Jock Campbell ALL Scots??? So you're not a democrat Mick? It'll never happen unless most Scots vote for it.
        Sunday at 22:37 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan look at this jock. bbc changed the election results
        Sunday at 22:39 · 
      • Jock Campbell Yeah the BBC... how can you blame the SNP????
        Sunday at 22:39 · 
      • Mick Constable I meant the majority.

        I have seen nothing that indicates any supporter on here or anywhere else, speaks for the whole of the country, be it Scotland, or to a far lesser degree Wales.
        Sunday at 22:39 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan i didn't blame the SNP
        Sunday at 22:40 · 
      • Jock Campbell And you do Mick?
        Sunday at 22:40 · 
      • Jock Campbell You said the snp lied about the elections.
        Sunday at 22:41 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan well Mick, that can be a fault too. Cheryl gillian (welsh tory) in charge of the welsh tories won it last year but not this year...recently went up to scotland saying "wales doesn't want independence, neither should you?"...a year after labour win. and sorry i misstyped it
        Sunday at 22:42 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan i said the snp had a majority but they lied about the election results. i should of said bbc
        Sunday at 22:42 ·  · 1
      • Jock Campbell ahh... gotcha... I wondered.
        Sunday at 22:43 · 
      • Emily Irene B Obviously, there can be no-one who can speak for the entire country, people hold different views/opinions, the majority is not always right, and I would like to question this 'majority' I believe most people are in the middle-truthfully despite what polls say, and most people do like any excuse for a good knees up
        Sunday at 22:44 · 
      • Jock Campbell Anyway, the point I'd like to make here is that not all nationalists are republicans.
        Sunday at 22:44 · 
      • Tam Raymond ‎"Lord, grant that Marshal Wade,
        May by thy mighty aid,
        Victory bring.
        May he sedition hush,
        and like a torrent rush,
        Rebellious Scots to crush,
        God save the King. "
        Sunday at 22:49 ·  · 2
      • Jock Campbell Sure as hell doesn't represent us does it Tam?
        Sunday at 22:50 ·  · 1
      • Ali Mans-Cornwell 
        On a personal level, I will NOT bow and scrape to anyone. I will not appreciate the royal sentiments based solely on the fact that they are no different to you or I. We are all human beings, we are born the same way and we die the same way. What makes them any different other than skin and bones? And we all talk about tradition? Where is the tradition when Charles married twice and had affairs even though the Queen and the family are head of the Church of England? Where is tradition in having to celebrate a family with a strong German bloodline? If I could have it my way (which would never happen but let's think hypothetically), I would be the first to vote them from their gold plated pedestals high above the clouds in their floating bubble. But we can't because we don't have that option to do so. We don't have that choice. This is why I'm a Republican.
        Sunday at 22:52 ·  · 2
      • Luke Welshy Grattan one thing i don't get is the GOD save the queen delusion. why would god save someone who's family is worth 44b? wouldn't he rather save millions of starving children/families?
        Sunday at 22:53 · 
      • Jock Campbell Ali... these aren't traditions you're speaking of... this is some idealism that you've placed upon the royals. They're human, they're fallible, it's not their job to be angels!!!
        Sunday at 22:54 · 
      • Jock Campbell You see Luke, these are petty issues you're raising... all this sneering at wealth stuff... it's just downright snobbery on your part.
        Sunday at 22:55 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan well i'm a republican. isn't that what we do?...i just say it as it is jock. i don't act two-faced or anything like that
        Sunday at 22:57 · 
      • Jock Campbell You know the republicans I respect? They come up with good argument.
        Sunday at 22:57 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan well i come up with truthful and stingful arguements
        Sunday at 22:59 · 
      • Jock Campbell Truthful and "stingful"?? No, these are catty digs at something you don't fully understand.
        Sunday at 23:01 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan don't i? from what i've seen those digs were actually the truth. if the truth isn't more understandable then i don't know what is
        Sunday at 23:02 · 
      • Ali Mans-Cornwell Before I continue, I'm not a Republican in the Conservative sense. Politically, I'm a liberal. I just believe that a President is worth more than a Monarchy since we have the option as to whether we as people should have them or not. Now Jock Campbell, can I ask what traditions you affiliate with the Monarch?
        Sunday at 23:02 · 
      • Tam Raymond Scotland celebrated the jubilee (or at least the orange "order" did).
        Sunday at 23:03 · 
      • Tam Raymond Says it all.
        Sunday at 23:03 · 
      • Jock Campbell But you're looking at such a proportionally irrelevant issue Ali.

        What price a dedicated cultural representation? No elected person can possibly have amassed all the experience and wisdom a monarch can and take it to the world on our behalf.
        Sunday at 23:04 · 
      • Jock Campbell So because one petty bunch of silly men celebrate the Jubillee... you just reject everything it offers? That's not a reasoned argument Tam... that's knee-jerkism. That's like saying you don't want to be a white man because you saw a white guy do something nasty!!!
        Sunday at 23:06 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan 
        It is useful to remember that much of the so-called 'tradition' of the monarchy is a recent invention. The ceremonies surrounding Trooping the Colour, Changing the Guard, the coronation and the State Opening of Parliament have all been invented since the reign of Victoria. They are part of the monarchy's continuing PR campaign - dressing up a shabby constitutional arrangement in fancy uniforms and flamboyant occasions so as to distract the casual observer from the more serious questions about why the monarchy exists.
        Sunday at 23:06 ·  · 1
      • Jock Campbell ‎^ correct Luke, not arguing against that. But remember, these aren't inventions of the monarch... these are inventions of the government. You see, government can manipulate a monarch to its will... this is where the waters get muddied... it's all too difficult to separate what is the monarchy and what is government manipulation.
        Sunday at 23:08 · 
      • Jock Campbell Which I'll admit.. is a flaw in the system.
        Sunday at 23:08 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan and i'm also aware that a government in charge is indeed more critical than a monarchy so i understand.
        Sunday at 23:09 · 
      • Jock Campbell How do you mean "more critical"?
        Sunday at 23:10 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan more severe laws. like as i'm sure you've seen in america
        Sunday at 23:10 · 
      • Ali Mans-Cornwell Understood, but what regulates and determines how relevant or irrelevant something is? In relation to celebrating a family I don't look up to, these "irrelevancies" are totally relevant to me.
        Sunday at 23:12 · 
      • Jock Campbell The biggest problem (and flaw) I see with our current monarchy Luke, is the lack of a written constitution. I see the monarch as being the primary defender of that constitution.
        Sunday at 23:17 · 
      • Tam Raymond Why do the English hate Catholics?
        Sunday at 23:18 · 
      • Luke Welshy Grattan they hate catholics because their religion (beliefs) were protestant beliefs who emigrated to northern ireland (and also along with the invasions) who opposed catholics because it's a different religion
        Sunday at 23:19 ·  · 1
      • Jock Campbell It about what or who they represent Ali. What their history is and how we as people recognise that legacy. Donlt get me wrong... I see flaws with the heritary issue of monarchy... however, I think the value outweighs the idiosyncrasies.
        Sunday at 23:19 · 
      • Tam Raymond Thanks Luke, so extrapolating that a little, Andrew Stott hates Catholics because he supports the Queen? Thought so.
        Sunday at 23:21 · 
      • Jock Campbell I wouldn't use the term hate... that's emotive.. however, given the history and the fact that a threat still exists to their reign, then I suppose you can understand the why's... if not the fact.

        The English don't hate Catholics Tam... it's just that the sectarian wars left scars... so fear and suspicion abide.
        Sunday at 23:21 ·  · 1
      • Joel Zumokuta Hall They don't Tam.
        Sunday at 23:22 via Mobile ·  · 1
      • Tam Raymond But they point-blank refuse to allow a Catholic monarch?
        Sunday at 23:29 · 
      • Tam Raymond That's hatred to my mind...
        Sunday at 23:29 · 
      • Tam Raymond Or maybe it's worse...maybe they think Catholics are somehow "Untermensch"?
        Sunday at 23:30 · 
      • Jock Campbell No Tam.... not hatred... fear.

        The very same emotion you would feel in the same position.
        Sunday at 23:33 · 
      • Tam Raymond Lol, I doubt it mate! :-)
        Sunday at 23:38 · 
      • Joel Zumokuta Hall It's a legal thing. The monarch is the head of the church of England.
        Sunday at 23:43 via Mobile · 
      • Joel Zumokuta Hall Remember that the CofE is as much a political body as a religious one too.
        Sunday at 23:44 via Mobile · 
      • Tam Raymond So, we Scots, Welsh and Irish are to be ruled by the Church of England and her Bishops? And a monarchy which has a "legal thing" preventing us from interfering?

        Cosy wee act you've got there you English!
        Sunday at 23:47 · 
      • Joel Zumokuta Hall Not everyone in those countries are of course Catholic. And many in England like myself are not even Christian. Bit of course we are not ruled by the Church. It's one of many appointments held by the crown. After all, you wouldn't appoint a Jew as head of the Muslim Council of Britain...
        Sunday at 23:51 via Mobile · 
      • Tam Raymond Almost NONE in those countries are C of E Joel. So we should just shut up and accept you're superiority?
        Monday at 00:26 · 
      • Tam Raymond ‎*your
        Monday at 00:26 · 
      • Tam Raymond And we ARE ruled by the Queen who is defender of the faith, so effectively, all decisions she takes are in accordance with that english church. We, therefore, ARE ruled by the church. Of England.
        Monday at 00:28 · 
      • Tam Raymond To many, it's like what that wee boy says in the post above: he honestly has NO EARTHY IDEA how the queen is, in fact divisive. That's typical of a sort of arrogance, no, it's not even arrogance, a sort of ignorance about the rest of the UK apoart from England.
        Monday at 00:31 · 
      • Chris Sanders The areas of Europe with the highest levels of heroin addiction are all Catholic. Heroin is a pain killer.
        18 hours ago · 
      • Jock Campbell Oh Tam, that's just misleading nonsense.
        18 hours ago ·  · 2
      • Jonathan Upton Let's clear things up here. The English do not dislike Catholics (any more). The Church of England does not rule the United Kingdom - religious laws state that the churches in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are disestablished, whereas the Church in England is established. Nobody hates anyone. Enough said.
        18 hours ago ·  · 1
      • Arthur Keen As well it united Canadians, with Australians and New Zealanders, who see each other as Commonwealth Cousins...
        18 hours ago ·  · 2
      • Jonathan Upton The Royal Family used to hate Catholics, and they do not allow Catholics so that they can keep with tradition (dunno why).
        18 hours ago · 
      • Jock Campbell It does need revision Jonathan.
        18 hours ago · 
      • Jonathan Upton Exactly! In fact, it is another reason to abolish the whole rotten saga!
        18 hours ago ·  · 1